"Pure theatre magic (...) For the 60 minutes the performance lasts, we are spellbound as the magic envelops us all. The four actors as well as the performance's technicians are beautifully adept at keeping to the background in order to allow the magical story itself to emerge. The story of a stone which has been there since time immemorial. Of the earth, of man - and of all man's deeds. The end of the performance was greeted with enthusiastic clapping, hooting and whistling. "
- The theatre magazine, P2
“An hour in the gifted and original company of Meridiano and director Giacomo Ravicchio (…) A feast of poetic and hard-hitting images, staged in a near-genius setting”
"Definitely a masterpiece of its kind."
- La Presse (Montréal)
"Among the shows presented in Lyon this season, in all categories, this is one of the strongest, most beautiful, and most simply perfect."
- Le Prandrès (Lyon)
"You'll never see anything like it again."
- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (USA)
"The visual concept is a stroke of genius."
-Le Monde (Paris)
"Spectacular, intense, and unutterably blissful, this show offers some moments blessed with grace."
- La Stampa (Turin)
"Terra Promessa is a hymn to life, to nature and to man, at once creator and destroyer of his own existence (…) With Terra Promessa, the theatre declares its act of faith in life."
- El Universal Grafico (Mexico)