Even though Elliot is only a little boy, he has a lot of big things on his mind. So big, in fact, that he is very much awake when he should be asleep.
Elliot has a goldfish … and a tiger and a lion made of plastic … He also has his favourite teddy bear that understands him and follows him wherever he goes. He also has a lot of books.
Elliot loves his books. He can’t read any of the words in them, yet, but he can look at the pictures and these take him far, far away - to a world where he can, perhaps, find someone who can explain to him why his mother and father have decided that the three of them should no longer live together as a family.
Author, director, designer and composer: Giacomo Ravicchio
Cast: Lars Begtrup and Therese Glahn
Technician: Eva U. Handberg
Stage sets: Steen Molls Rasmussen
Costumes: Helene Thygesen
Produced by Meridiano Theatre