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"Little steps" Little steps. A string of short poetic sketches illustrate moments in a little person’s world.Mommy and Daddy. Grandma and Grandpa. A snail and a tree by the side of the road. Kindergarten filled with little friends. A bicycle, a small bed and a nighttime story. An umbrella and the hope for rain. It is the story of a little person in a big world, woven in a universe abundant with memories and the joy of recognition. Held in the beauty of these moments, a cozy and safe feeling envelops us, as the poetic story takes shape through music, lighting, sound, puppets and objects.Theater My ́s calm and poetic style is the source for this theatre experience dedicated to little people. Little people on their journey into the world.



Award Reumert for the Best Show for children and young people. 2012 - Denmark  



Direction and set design: Giacomo Ravicchio 

Playwright: Giacomo Ravicchio & Mette Rosleff 

Performer: Mette Rosleff

Technician: Sigurd Røge Dissing 

Composer: Martin vognsen

Propsdesigner: Poul Arne Kring 

Set painter: Trine Holtoug 

Workshop: Steen Mols og Mads Rasmussen 

Seamstress: Helene Thygesen


Produced by Theatre MY

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