"Meridiano Theatre portray dementia with a liberating vitality (...) Even though the performance deals with a rather sad topic, it bounces in like an unexpected friend and bringer of glad tidings (…) Transcending theatre to become a real human experience, ‘Our wonderful world’ unobtrusively builds up its deeper understanding of life with flashbacks, moving to and fro between the past and the present."
Politiken, Denmark (2006)
"Far from being a depressing performance, ‘Our wonderful world’ is borne by the will to live in the face of harsh realities. Designed by Giacomo Ravicchio, this is 75 minutes of tough, moving, funny and extremely watchable theatre about one of life’s crueller twists."
Jyllands-Posten, Denmark (2006)
"A wonderfully told, intimate play about dementia, which never resorts to sentimentality (…) Meridiano’s visuals are as always full of powerful images and filmic touches. Ravicchio subtly incorporates technical sound-and-picture know-how to vividly evoke memories – and poetically draws on this know-how in the inspired closing sequence."
Information, Denmark (2006)
"Once more we are seduced by theatre magician Giacomo Ravicchio. He takes us in hand and tells of life’s beauty and tragedy, of the profound themes in human existence, but told with such a penetrating southern European warmth that it really makes you think ‘life is beautiful’."
‘Byen kalder’, Denmark (2006)
"All the anger, confusion and powerlessness I had carried around with me for several years were released by this performance. It was like a mirror telling me through poetry, humour, insight and wonderful humanity that even if you lose the person that was, you can still experience the most beautiful moments together in the here and now."
Relative in the magazine ‘Demens’, no. 3 (2006)
"Our Wonderful World, from Denmark, provides plenty of laughs but eventually had most of the teenage audience, and me, in tears. Their (the characters) mutual confusion and reversed roles are excellently handled in an intimate script that never dips into schmaltziness (…) Meridiano Teatret has created a visually beautiful show."
The Scotsman, Edinburgh (2002)
"Staged with a stylish minimalism (…) Elisabeth Befrits and Claus Maack Bahnsen find the unlikely humour and expected pathos in the story."
The Herald, Edinburgh (2002)